where you can purchase our debut album, "This is For The Blue Collars"
on Forever Inside Records. The record features 11 track recorded in Miami, Florida
with producer Jeremy DuBois. Jeremy's resume includes such popular bands as New
Found Glory and Dashboard Confessional, in addition to doing countless live sound
for major label artists.
Click here to see all our merchandise for purchasing.
So PayPal is a lot of effort. We know. Especially if you've never used it before
or if you don't own a credit card. Mail order is just the thing you have been
waiting for. You simply
this template, fill in the blanks (using your KEYBOARD!) and then write a
check or send VERY concealed cash to:
Ettison Clio
ATTN: Blue Collars
P.O. Box 6351
East Lansing, MI 48826
Remember, the pdf you download is editable. So be sure and open it on your computer
and you can fill in the blanks and it will automatically calculate your totals.
Great stuff, eh?